• For various election reports around the world, we provided clear data analysis with live graphics, sometimes also with augmented reality, on behalf of various customers such as Sky, ZDF, Servus TV, Veles and Meag TV. In addition to state elections in Germany, our team was also active in the federal presidential election in Austria in 2016, the US presidential election in 2020, and the parliamentary elections in Greece and Poland in 2023.
  • Live broadcasts on ZDF, Sky, Servus TV and other national and international broadcasters
  • Software development for database connection and data analysis
  • Design of info and broadcast graphics in 2D/3D in the respective channel layout
  • Technical equipment and operation of the graphics live on site in the studio
  • Since 2011 for ZDF, Sky, Servus TV and other international channels (Screenshots © TVP / Mega / Sky / Servus TV)