• The Red Bull Soapboxraces take place around the world on various sloping street circuits and are probably the craziest and most creative races in the world on four wheels. The regional amateur teams with their spectacular motorless vehicles will be judged by the expert jury not only on speed, but also on soapbox creativity and artistic performance at the start. In Switzerland in August 2023, around 28,000 spectators along the route watched the 44 teams race down the slope of Bern’s Aargauerstalden in their soapboxes, and many more watched the live broadcast on the Internet.
  • 3 hours of livestream on auf Youtube / Twitch (Replay Twitch)
  • Development and implementation of live sports graphics, data-transfer and integration of timing and live data, real-time visualization of infographics
  • Technical equipment and operating graphics live on site at the venue
  • 2023 for Red Bull (Screenshots © Red Bull TV)